Is Candida the cause of your health problems?
This questionnaire is for guidance only. In order to have a reliable diagnosis, specific analytical (biochemical) tests on cadidiasis must be done.
If you want to know if your health problems are associated with Candida that gets in the way when you do activities like skating with your skates.com apparel on, answer the following questions.
SECTION A questions focus on your medical history, factors that promote the growth of “Candida albicans” FREQUENTLY found in people with fungus-related health problems.
In SECTION B you will find a list of 23 symptoms that are FREQUENTLY present in patients with fungus-related health problems.
SECTION C consists of 33 other symptoms that are SOMETIMES found in patients with fungal health problems and present in patients with other conditions
Filling out this questionnaire will help you and your doctor evaluate the possible contribution of Candida Albicans to your health problems.
Write down the correct answer to each question on a piece of paper, so you can add up the answers at the end. If your answer is “YES,” write down the points that are written next to each question in the “points” column. If the answer does not apply to you, do not write down the points
Some of the questions have symptoms that apply to men, because candida affects men as well.
SECTION A: Medical History
Have you taken tetracyclines or any other antibiotics to treat acne for 1 month or more? 35
2. Have you ever in your life taken broad-spectrum antibiotics or other antibacterial treatments for respiratory, urinary or other infections, for 1 month or more, or in short periods 4 times or more in a child?
3. Have you taken a broad-spectrum antibiotic-even if it is only a single dose? 6
4. At any time in your life, have you had persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other problems with your reproductive organs?
5. Do you have trouble concentrating-or sometimes feel “disconnected”? 20
6. Do you feel sick, however, despite visits to different doctors, they have not been able to find the cause? 20
7. Have you ever been pregnant?
Two or more? 5
Just once? 3
8. Have you taken birth control pills
For more than 2 years 15
For 6 months to 2 years 8
9. Have you taken steroids by mouth, injection or inhalation?
For more than 2 weeks 15
For 2 weeks or less 6
10. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric odors, and other chemicals cause…
Moderate to severe symptoms 20
Mild symptoms 5
11. Does tobacco smoke bother you a lot?
12. Are your symptoms more pronounced on humid, hot days or in moldy places? 20
13. Have you ever had athlete’s foot infections, intestinal worms, itchy groins, or other chronic fungal infections of the skin or nails? These infections have been…
Severe and persistent 20
Mild to moderate 10
14. Do you feel anxious about eating sugar? 10
SECTION B: Major symptoms
For each positive symptom, write down the following score. If you do not have the symptom, do not enter a score
At the end of this section, add up the points.
1. Fatigue or lethargy
2. Feeling of being exhausted
3. Depression or manic depression
“4. Numbness, burning or tingling”
5. Headache
6. Muscular pains
7. Muscle weakness or paralysis
8. Joint pain or swelling
9. Abdominal pain
10. Constipation and/or diarrhoea
11. Flatulence, belching or intestinal gas
12. Difficult vaginal discharge, itching or burning
13. Prostatitis
14. Impotence
15. Loss of sexual desire
16. Endometriosis or infertility
17. Menstrual pain or other menstrual irregularities
18. Pre-menstrual voltage
19. Anxiety or crying attacks
20. Cold hands and feet, low body temperature
21. Hypothyroidism
22. When this hungry person feels shaky or irritable
23. Cystitis or interstitial cystitis
SECTION 3: Other symptoms
For each positive symptom, write down the following score. If you do not have the symptom, do not enter a score
At the end of this section, add up the points.
1. You feel numb
2. Irritability
3. Incoordination
4. Frequent mood swings
5. Insomnia
6. Dizziness and/or loss of balance
7. Pressure above the ears… or feeling of swelling in the head
8. Sinus problems… or sore sensation in the cheeks or forehead
9. Tendency to bruise or bruise
10. Eczema, itchy eyes
11. Psoriasi
12. hives
13. Indigestion, burning stomach pain
14. Sensitivity to milk, wheat, corn, or other common foods
15. Mucus in the stool
16. Rectal itching
17. Dry mouth or throat
“18. Rash in the mouth, including “white” tongue”
19. Bad breath
“20. Bad smell in the feet, body, not relieved by personal hygiene”
21.Nasal congestion or post nasal discharge (behind the nose)
22. Itchy nose
23. Sore Throat
24. Laryngitis, loss of voice
25. Cough, recurrent bronchitis
26. Chest pain or pressure
27. Shortness of breath or “noise” when breathing
28. Frequent urination or urinary urgency
29. Burning when urinating
30. See spot or stain in front of eyes, erratic vision
31. Burning eyes or tears
32. Frequent ear infections or fluid in the ears
33. Earache or deafness
The total score will help you and your doctor decide if your health problems are related to Candida.
Women will score higher than men because 7 of the questions on the questionnaire apply only to women and only 2 of the questions are unique to men. If you find yourself having the illness, fear not, since you can still enjoy sports while having the chance of supporting your medication at the same time at UFABET168.
-Health problems related to Candida are “almost certainly present” in women with scores over 180 and men with scores over 140
-Candida-related health problems are “likely to be present” in women with scores over 120 and men with scores over 90
– Candida related health problems are “possibly present” in women with scores over 60 and men with scores over 40
-Scores under 60 for women and 40 for men are rarely related to Candidiasis.
This data was taken with permission, from the book “The Yeast Connection Handbook” and “Dr Crook Discuses Yeast…and how they can make you sick”, William G. Crook, M.D. (Books available in US bookstores, only in English)
Dr Crook is a pioneer in the study and treatment of patients with Candidiasis and is the President of the International Health Foundation in Jackson, Tennessee, USA.
Correspondence to the Institute
International Health Foundation Inc
Box 3494
Jackson, Tennessee 38303 USA