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Why should I change my diet?

By on 07/28/2020 0
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It has been proven that for most women with Endometriosis, the elimination of some foods has helped to decrease many of their problems; among them we can mention inflammation and pain. Below we will explain what these foods are and why they should be removed. Earn the money to maintain a healthy diet. Play simple and interactive betting games at 먹튀검증사이트.

photo 2The increase in prostaglandins. Prostaglandins stimulate oestrogens,
which is the main hormone that wreaks havoc on endometriosis. Estrogen is responsible for symptoms such as pain, menstrual cramps, and other discomforts. However, when you learn that eliminating some foods will help keep your endometriosis from progressing, you’ll find that not all prostaglandins are bad, for example:

Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) actually helps relieve symptoms, while Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and Prostaglandin F2A (PGF2a) contributes to the symptoms mentioned above.

A study of 300 patients with endometriosis was conducted with 5-hour measurements of insulin levels. All patients developed decreased blood glucose (hypoglycemia), less than 65 mg/dl (usually at the 3rd and 4th hour), with normal to low insulin levels. We could say that almost all patients developed symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Within the diet, foods with a glycemic index lower than 50 are recommended.

The OUT for women with Endometriosis are the following foods:

photo 3

Sugar: In all its forms (refined, artificial and natural) It can produce a more acidic environment, which can promote inflammation and pain in endometriosis. Therefore, it is a good idea to limit the consumption of chocolate, sweeteners, drinks and sweets with high levels of sugar and honey.

Bad Carbohydrates: Pasta, tropical fruits (banana, mango and papaya), fruit juices.

Wheat: Contains a substance that can aggravate the symptoms of endometriosis. It also contains wheat gluten, and studies have found that many patients with endometriosis have sensitivity to gluten and this causes them pain.

Soy: Like wheat, soy contains phytic acid; however, the levels of this substance in soy are considerably higher than in wheat

Phytic acid, known to irritate the digestive system and reduce the absorption of minerals, especially calcium. It is found in many foods and products such as granola, pasta, imitation meat, soy milk, soy cheese, etc.
Caffeine: Especially when consumed in large quantities, it has been found to increase estrogen levels, which can trigger Endometriosis and cause attacks of developing the condition. Foods that contain caffeine are coffee, tea, cola, chocolate.
Consumption of more than two cups of coffee and/or tea a day can cause increased estrogen.

photo 4Tyramine: Foods that contain tyramine are aged cheeses, drinks such as ginger ale, beer, brandy, liquor, red wine, whiskey, red meat, vegetables such as Chinese spices, fish such as herring, dried fish, caviar, fruits such as figs, avocado, bananas.

Alcohol, because it consumes the B vitamin stored in the liver. Alcohol abuse leads to a whole lot of mental and physical health issues. If you know someone struggling with alcohol addiction, it is advised to send www.oncalltreatment.com their way so they can get the help they need. The role played by the liver is essential, as it cleanses excess estrogen and helps control endometriosis. The elimination of alcohol from the body places excessive emphasis on the liver and thus hinders the expulsion of other elements from the body. 
Red meat promotes the production of PGF2a. In addition, red meat may contain growth hormones including estrogen. If meat is your main source of protein, you can get the protein you need from other protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts, cashews, chestnuts, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, etc. It should be noted that the seeds should also be consumed in small quantities.
Milk and dairy products: Stimulate the production of PGE2 and PGF2a, which can worsen the symptoms of endometriosis. The main dairy products to avoid are milk and cheese. To help maintain calcium levels you can find other sources of calcium such as sesame seeds, almonds, salmon, sardines, seaweed, figs, and calcium-fortified foods (IE tofu, orange juice, etc.).
Note: Remember to be careful when substituting dairy products such as pasteurized milk with soy milk, because soy can also aggravate symptoms.

Saturated fats and oils: Foods that are high in fatty acids stimulate the production of PGE2 and PGF2a. Fatty acids are found in saturated fats, oils (coconut oil, soul oil, etc.), butter, margarine, lard, organ meats and fried foods.

Refined carbohydrates: Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, flour, cakes, pies, cookies, etc.

Additives and preservatives: processed, frozen and pre-packaged, are the foods to avoid, as they are full of additives, chemical preservatives and many other ingredients that promote bad health and PGE2 and PGF2.

photo 5Lo IN for women with Endometriosis are the following food supplements:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These help lower estrogen levels, they are oils such as fish oil, flaxseed oil, salmon, sardines, cold water fish, and algae derivatives.

Beta-carotene: Helps reduce menstrual bleeding.

B-complex: Helps maintain adequate levels of estrogen by helping the liver convert to weaker forms.

Vitamin C: Reduces bleeding and colic

Bioflavonoids: Antioxidant to regulate excess estrogen, progesterone precursor, inhibit aromatase)

Vitamin E: Softens the harmful effects of estrogen. Low levels are selected with high levels of E2

Essential fatty acids: Natural anti-inflammatory, muscle and vascular relaxant.

Inositol, choline, chromium picolinate, magnesium, curcumin, enzymes, etc.

It is recommended that you not only eliminate the above mentioned foods, but that this is a guide for you to take with you to your nutritionist and she will make you a diet according to your needs, but eliminating the above mentioned foods. Be careful, because without professional supervision, only eliminating the food, you can suffer from a decompensation and feel exhausted among other things.

This is a guide for use by a professional and only serves for the knowledge of the affected.

Information obtained from Shelley Ross, Casa de Sandown, High Street, Esher, Surrey KT10 9SL, UNITED KINGDOM, Dr. Luis Carlos Paez L., Mathias JR, Franklin RR, Neural Dysfunction of Gastrointestinal Tract Associated with Endometriosis: A Disease of Insulin Sensitivity. Woman’s Hospital of Texas, Houston, Texas.

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