  • 01/18/2025

Dental health

What is tooth whitening?

by on 06/25/2021 0

Tooth whitening or teeth bleaching is the procedure of brightening the shade of teeth through the application of whiteners or bleaches. Tooth whitening is usually desired when teeth become yellow over time due to various reasons, and is usually done by altering the color of the intrinsic or extrinsic enamel’s white. Extrinsic white refers...

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Why Is Invisalign Right For You?

by on 06/10/2020 0

Invisalign corrects malocclusions, such as gaps, crowding and overbite. Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners that are switched out every two weeks. Invisalign treatment in cambridge is a great alternative to braces because it doesn’t require you to visit your dentist or orthodontic specialist as often. This means fewer visits, less inconvenience and less stress....

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Types of Toothbrushes

by on 02/27/2020 0

A toothbrush is a fundamental oral health tool utilized to thoroughly clean both the teeth and gums and remove food particles and plaque. It consists of a sturdy head with finely grouped bristles. It is believed that brushing your mouth two to three times daily is enough to maintain good oral health. There are...

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