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Prohibited plants to cure serious diseases, JOSEP PÀMIES

By on 07/28/2020 0
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Dolça Revolució

Years ago, and after many medical tests, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. There are people who have it and don’t even know it, but unfortunately I wasn’t one of them. My pains were of such magnitude that they did not allow me to live a normal life. I was prescribed a contraceptive indicating that I should take it for life, that if I already had problems now of course it was impossible to have children and that it was not advisable to operate, because of a previous operation that had been carried out and because they did not assure me a good result. I started with the contraceptive treatment but I had vomiting and other side effects, without the pain stopping, so I decided to stop and look for other options. By chance, a relative sent me a video by Josep Pamies and I got to know the association La Dulce Revolución. I decided to take a plane to Barcelona, and from there I went on a motorbike on a Saturday morning to meet him in person, tell him my problem, listen to others, buy seeds and various plants. I started taking 3 capsules at the beginning with 1 evening primrose, then 2 a day of vitex and 1 of evening primrose, and finally 1 of vitex only for maintenance. The results were almost immediate. In a matter of days I already noticed the decrease in pain and in 2 weeks it didn’t hurt at all. I was taking VITEX and evening primrose on an empty stomach (as instructed by the owner of the herbalist where I buy everything). In fact the bottle indicates: take 1 or 2 capsules a day outside of meals (and recommends NOT to exceed that dose). I was in so much pain, that at first I decided to take 3 a day of Vitex, but the results were so immediate, that, as I said, I took 3 during the first week only. I continued with this “treatment” until December 2013 when I stopped following an operation. Soon after that I became pregnant and I have been a mommy for almost 2 months. I don’t know if when I get my period, the pains will come back, because they say that some people are cured by pregnancy. In fact, I got pregnant when I had been told a thousand times that I could not be a mother, even before I knew I had endometriosis. So thanks to Josep Pamies, and all the people who make the Sweet Revolution possible, thanks in particular to the vitex, not only did my endometriosis pains stop, but I have been able to fulfil one of my greatest wishes, to be a mother. To help you with your medications, you might want to consider playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via Gamblecity.


December 2014


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